Welcome to my blog, dear readers! I’m Eric, an American-born independent creative collaborator, website designer, and special projects lead living in Ireland and serving clients worldwide. Today, I want to explore a topic that is close to my heart and has the potential to transform your Irish business – creative collaboration.

Ireland has a rich history of innovation and entrepreneurship, and in today’s fast-paced digital world, the key to standing out lies in creative thinking and collaboration. Whether you’re a seasoned business owner or just starting your entrepreneurial journey in the Emerald Isle, the principles of creative collaboration can propel your business to new heights.


In a world where competition is fierce, creative collaboration sets your business apart. It’s about bringing together diverse talents, ideas, and perspectives to create something greater than the sum of its parts. Here’s why it matters:

1. Fresh Perspectives: Creative collaboration invites fresh ideas and innovative solutions. When different minds come together, they challenge the status quo and open up new possibilities.

2. Problem Solving: Irish business owners often face unique challenges. Collaborating with experts like me allows you to tap into specialized knowledge and experience, making problem-solving more efficient.

3. Enhanced Design and Customer Experience: As a website designer, I understand the importance of user-centric design and customer experience. Collaborative efforts ensure that your website and branding resonate with your target audience.

4. Efficiency and Productivity: Special projects often require a multidisciplinary approach. Collaboration streamlines processes, reduces bottlenecks, and increases productivity.


As your creative collaborator, I bring a wealth of experience and a diverse skill set to the table. My professional services encompass:

– Creative Direction: Guiding your project with a strategic and creative vision.
– Project Management: Ensuring your projects run smoothly and meet deadlines.
– Design: Crafting visually appealing and user-friendly websites and branding.
– Process Automation: Optimizing your workflows for efficiency.
– Coaching: Providing leadership and professional coaching to unlock your team’s potential.

I’m here to help you navigate the intricacies of the Irish market, develop meaningful connections with your audience, and drive your business forward.


In the coming weeks, I’ll delve deeper into the world of creative collaboration and share practical tips, case studies, and success stories from Ireland-based businesses. We’ll explore topics like website design, branding, project management, and more, all with the aim of helping you thrive in the competitive Irish business landscape.

If you’re ready to unlock the potential of creative collaboration in your Irish business or have specific questions, feel free to reach out. I’m here to empower you on your journey to success. You’re welcomed to my calendar at any time.

Thank you for joining me on this exciting adventure of creativity and collaboration. Stay tuned for more insights and inspiration!

